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How to Search Multiple Tags on Tumblr?

How to Search Multiple Tags on Tumblr

Are you familiar with Tumblr? Many people aren't. And that's a shame because it can be your following favorite website. There are hundreds of thousands of blogs on Tumblr, which means you'll have plenty of options to choose from when you want to share information or start a conversation. However, if you are already using it, there might be times when you want to search multiple tags at once, and if you do. Here's how to Search Multiple Tags on Tumblr with these easy steps!

What Is Tumblr?

Search Multiple Tags on Tumblr

Tumblr is a microblogging site. Much like Twitter and Facebook, users can post text, images, and videos for other users to enjoy. What makes Tumblr unique is its deep functionality in terms of allowing multiple blogs in one profile, an incredibly easy-to-use platform above all else. The best way to learn about Tumblr is to use it yourself! It doesn't take long before you figure out why it is one of the world's most engaging social networks.

How to search multiple tags on Tumblr

tags search

After logging into your account:

  1. Enter some words in the search bar at the top of your dashboard. That will help you find posts that are relevant to your interests.
  2. Then sort by options to narrow down results further to get more specific results.
  3. If you can't decide which tags to search under, try searching for combinations of keywords, such as #blogging #writng #content.
  4. Find relevant tags and use them as well.

In addition, you can always click related tags under each tag entry to see other hashtags that might be useful when trying to research content relevant to yours. Or create a new search using advanced search parameters. 

You can also filter results using advanced filter settings to customize what content appears on the results based on more specific criteria than just keywords. 

The more specific you get with your searches and filtering more relevant content will pop up. It's generally best to start broad with your initial lookup and, if necessary, start refining them as you go along.

Finding Users by Tags

Multiple Tags

Search multiple tags to find users. To do so, type tags: followed by a space, and then each tag is separated by a comma, For example, tags: memes, funny memes, or username.

It would search for users who have either memes or funny memes on their profiles. So use your best judgment instead of worrying too much about being 100% specific or having perfect grammar! 

Finding Posts By Tag

Search Tags

One of the best methods to discover new blogs is through social media. For example, if you're a graphic designer looking for unique design trends, search #graphics, and #graphicsdesign. Scroll through results for users who tag their content with both terms and follow everyone who seems interesting. 

After following several people who post similar content, you'll be able to browse their tags to find even more posts using these same techniques. This way, Tumblr will display those posts in your feed.

How to Search Multiple Tags on Tumblr

Why are tags important in Tumblr?


Whenever a user posts anything on Tumblr like a quote, images, gifs, etc., they add a few relevant tags to them, so they are easily found when someone does a search related to theirs.

Why should you be searching multiple tags at once?

If you're a business and searching for a company's name or trying to target a specific audience, it can be frustrating when only one result pops up. 

To get around that problem, use multiple tags when searching. Rather than entering Company, try the type of Company and your city in separate tags. 

That should turn up several relevant results, which you can then click through to find out more about each business or person. If you aren't sure what words should go into each tag, think about the most relevant terms in the industry for your search. For instance, if you were searching for a company or services, best or top might work well as keywords. 

You may use multiple tags to search inside Tumblr but do not overuse tags at once. Use 3-4 tags at a single search. If you have lots of tags that are needed to be searched, then do them in batches.

And because people who search with those terms may also search specifically for services, make sure to include those keywords as well. Once you've entered all of your tags, scroll down and look at your other related searches. 

Why creating a Tumblr tags list is essential?

You may notice that different combinations of keywords would help produce better results; don't be afraid to experiment! Experimenting with tags allows you to see how closely related specific phrases are; if there's not much overlap between two words, consider separating them so you're getting different but highly-relevant results. 

You can do so by clicking New Tag and adding whatever keyphrase you want to search on. Creating these new tags takes time—don't feel pressured to make dozens before searching—but remember that as you gain experience searching on Tumblr, creating additional tags will become easy as pie. 

However, even though individual searches may take longer, once you have created some new tags that relate to topics relevant to your brand or interests, browsing becomes much more accessible, too.

You'll start seeing similar posts pop up in all sorts of searches! So don't sweat over making new tag lists right away. Take some time to explore beyond basic single-tag searches.


Now that you can search multiple tags on Tumblr, you can find any content in seconds. Whether you're looking for funny memes or fashion inspiration, it only takes a few clicks, and your browsing will become much more manageable. Next time you're looking for something new and exciting, make sure you search multiple tags before settling with one!

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