
How to Choose the Best PHP Frameworks?

The need to establish an online presence is increasing rapidly in this digital world. Though various web development technologies have evolved over the past few years, PHP still dominates in various languages.

It is one of the popular languages for developing dynamic web solutions. This server-side scripting language is used by approx 77.8% of websites on the internet. Its major use in creating content management systems (CMSs) makes it a top web development choice.  

Apart from the various benefits, it also comes with many frameworks that ease web development tasks. But the availability of various options makes it difficult to choose the right one. 

Let’s see some vital factors you should consider before relying on a PHP development framework for your website development.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a PHP Framework for Website Development

1. Does it Capture the Primary Objective of Your Web Application?

Every project has different needs, whether it is an eCommerce portal, blog, business website, or social platform. You must decide your domain and primary business goals to select a relevant framework. 

If we talk about a blog site, it will require a framework with options for various themes and plugins to choose from. At the same time, an eCommerce site requires integrating various plugins like payment gateway, shipping, and inventory. 

So, first, make a list of your requirements and then match them with the features of the framework you are opting for. Choosing a framework that reflects your web application goal is the best pick.

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2. Take Note of Their Performance.

When choosing a PHP framework for your website development, it is vital to consider its performance level before making a decision. Choosing a framework that leads you to develop slow-performing web development solutions can impact your website impressions. 

People usually leave the site, which takes a lot of time to load. So, opt for fast-loading PHP frameworks like Yii to provide a seamless website experience to your site visitors.

3. Go For a Scalable Platform.

It is good if your web solution performs well with your current site audience, and what about the future requirements? To meet the rising needs of your business with your web solution, it is always good to choose a scalable PHP framework for your website and web app development.  

4. Is your site capable enough to handle your business expansions? 

So, it is essential to develop the website by keeping your future requirements in mind. Choosing a scalable platform is equally vital in this aspect. To develop a scalable PHP web solution, you can consider the Symfony PHP framework and invest in PHP development services to leverage the benefits of this platform. 

5. Do Not Forget to Look For Security.

Is the PHP framework you are opting is good for building secure web solutions? A framework should have built-in security features to protect your site against web vulnerabilities. 

However, using a framework does not mean avoiding all your security parameters while developing a web solution. But it will reduce common security threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. 

Nothing is a substitute for writing optimized and secure code. So, choose a secure PHP framework and hire a relevant PHP web development company to write your site code effectively.

6. Is it Flexible?

Another significant factor to consider while considering a PHP framework is to look for flexibility. A framework should be flexible enough to handle various web development projects, from small websites to large and complex web solutions. 

Choose a framework that is flexible enough to integrate with different vendor libraries. In such a regard, Symfony can be your preferred choice to create a highly flexible and feature-rich website or web app.

Now, after seeing the various factors to consider before opting for a PHP framework, let’s see some popular names for developing top PHP websites. Moreover, you can also consider this post to know which PHP framework to choose for website development.

Some Popular PHP Web Development Frameworks:

1. Laravel

According to Urjashee Shaw, Laravel developer at Simpalm, "One of the best MVC-based, open-source, and easy-to-use PHP frameworks is Laravel. This feature-rich platform is preferred for building advanced, B2B, multifunctional, or enterprise-level websites or web apps.

This PHP framework eases various website development tasks like authentication, routing, and queuing. With more than 20 built-in libraries, Laravel makes it easier to work on projects without reinventing the wheel. 

2. CodeIgniter

Another popular PHP framework on the list is CodeIgniter. Like Laravel, it is also MVC-based and a fast, reliable platform for rapidly creating dynamic web solutions. It offers various modules that help you build reusable and robust components. 

This lightweight PHP framework is easier to install and set up than other PHP frameworks. In addition, it also supports multiple caching methods to speed up web applications. Due to its reliable performance and faster speed, CodeIgniter is the best PHP solution for developing lightweight web apps run on simple servers.

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3. Symfony

It is another reliable and best PHP framework for developing top-notch websites and web apps. Symfony is packed with many features, making creating an enterprise-level web application easier and more seamless. Due to the absence of dependencies and reusing components, it provides easy web app maintainability. 

Symfony can be your preferred choice if you want to create a highly flexible and feature-rich website or web app for your business. It comes with regular updates and amazing community support. However, due to its feature-rich nature, it can be slower than other PHP frameworks. 

4. CakePHP

Another powerful PHP framework on the list is CakePHP which helps you quickly build dynamic web solutions. CodeIgniter is simple and has a minimal configuration that helps build visually unique and feature-rich websites and web applications. 

It has various security features like CSRF protection, SQL injection prevention, and XSS protection. So, with a PHP development company, you can use the CakePHP framework to develop secure websites or web apps for your business.


It was all about choosing the best PHP frameworks among many options. However, every framework has its strengths and weaknesses, varying in documentation, database, and community support. Before relying on one for your website development, you must not forget to consider such factors. 

So, before making a decision, keep your project requirements in mind, and match them with the respective PHP framework. Choose one that suits you well, and then hire a PHP development partner for top-notch development.

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