
How Rewording Tool Can Boost Your Blogging Productivity?

Blogging is a lucrative activity depending on who you ask. It is mostly a marketing tool used for providing information to customers naturally and unobtrusively. According to a source, the number of blogging websites accounts for almost 1/3 of all websites. That is a huge market and quite frankly difficult to compete in.

To stay competitive, bloggers need to be highly productive and write tons of blog posts. But that is quite hard to do. That’s why bloggers like to use different tools and technology to help them stay ahead of the competition. Today we are going to discuss one such tool type of tool and that is rewording tools. We will check out how a rewording tool can help bloggers be more productive and save time. So, let’s get on with it.

What is Productivity in Blogging?

Before we begin in earnest, let us take a moment to refresh what productivity is about blogging. It basically refers to two things:

    • Writing with specific intent,

    • Writing with realistic and achievable goals,

    • Doing so in a quick and timely manner.

That is what is known as productivity in blogging. A blog post is written with intent. For example, a marketing blog post has the intent of educating its audience about certain products and services as well as how they solve certain problems.

For that blog to stay competitive, it needs to provide new and valuable content regularly and quickly. The faster the publishing cycle is (without sacrificing quality) the more productive that blog is. But not only that, the better that blog meets its goals the more productive it is.

Now, let us discuss how a reworder can help with improving the productivity of a blogger.

How Rewording Tools Boost Productivity and Save Time

Here are some ways in which a reworder can boost blogging productivity.

Can Create Multiple Copies of a Draft

Blog posts are often meant for different types of audiences. Each audience has their own likes/dislikes and preferences. So, bloggers have to create multiple copies to see which one performs the best.

This is known as A/B testing where copy A and copy B are evaluated to see which one performs better. That copy is then finalized and published. Naturally, A/B testing is difficult because manually creating multiple copies of the same content is time-consuming. If it takes too long, productivity is hampered, and you risk getting left behind.

However, with a reworder that is not an issue. Bloggers can simply input their content into a rewording tool and let it create a new copy while using different words and phrases but still maintaining the meaning.

The second copy is generated within seconds and bloggers can generate more unique copies if the tool has different modes. For example, in the following image, you can see a rewording tool with four different modes, so it can technically create four different copies. Since that saves time, it is more productive.

Help to Convert to and Maintain a Specific Tone and Style

Bloggers are humans and that means they change with time. This change also shows up in their writing and sometimes it is not for the better. Usually, this change manifests itself as an alteration in tone and writing style.

If a blogger is not happy with their new tone and style, they will waste a lot of time and effort trying to edit their work to make it match their older style. To avoid this problem, boggers can start using rewording tools to ensure that their work has a consistent tone and style.

For example, if the blogger wants a professional or academic tone in their work, they can use a rewording tool that provides modes for that purpose. In the previous point, we saw the image of a tool that had four modes, that’s what we are talking about. This helps bloggers keep their style and tone consistent across all of their content.

Makes Editing Easier

Editing is by far the most time-consuming task in blogging. Any post that is written has to be proofread and edited. That’s because first drafts are not usually great. They have weird sentences, the flow is wonky, and the readability may be low in some areas.

Now, a rewording tool cannot help with everything, but it can hasten some of these things. For example, badly written sentences can be easily improved with the help of a reworder. You may not know this, but most tools for content optimization are powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

AI-powered reworders are great at understanding that a particular sentence is not written well. They change such sentences by removing awkwardly placed words and rearranging the sentence structure to make them smoother.

The alternative is to paraphrase everything manually. That has limitations such as not being quick and having limited vocabulary. So, ultimately, using reworders for editing saves time and boosts productivity.

Enhances Quality of the Write-up

Remember how we mentioned that productivity in writing refers to writing with the intent of achieving specific goals? Well, the quality of the blog post is very important for achieving goals. So, one way of improving productivity with rewording tools is to use them to improve the quality of the write-up.

How does that work though? The quality of a write-up is dependent on a few things such as the information they provide and the manner in which they provide it. In blogging, the quality is also dependent on the readability as well as the phraseology.

So using interesting words and keeping the write-up easy to read improves the quality of the work. Here you can see in this image, that a reworder makes the given text better by paraphrasing it.

The output is much better than the input and that was achieved by adjusting a few select words and phrases.

Provides Benefits for SEO

Many benefits of blogging relate to SEO. However, to obtain those benefits, the content needs to fulfill some conditions. SEO refers to search engine optimization; in a nutshell, it refers to making your website and content conform to the standard set by search engines so that they get ranked higher.

Some of these standards are related to the content. They are given below:

    • The content must provide some useful information

    • It should be optimized for keywords

    • There must not be fluff (i.e., useless content)

    • The content must be unique

    • The content should be easy to read and understand

    • There must be no keyword stuffing or any other black hat SEO tactic

With a rewording tool, you can deal with some of these things. For example, keyword stuffing is an easy thing to fix. Keyword stuffing refers to overusing a keyword in your content. A reworder can notice that a particular word is overused, so it replaces some instances of it with synonyms, thereby reducing keyword stuffing.

Uniqueness is another thing that helps blog posts stand out from an SEO perspective. A rewording tool can make the content look unique by changing its style, tone, and phraseology to make it look unique. In this way, the blog writing goals are met and consequently, productivity is boosted.


Those were five ways in which the productivity of blogging is boosted, and time is saved. Rewording tools are great at their jobs and many of them are free to boot. So, bloggers can use them in the ways we highlighted to boost their productivity. They will see a marked improvement in performance as they will have fewer things to worry and stress about. So, if you are a blogger, definitely consider using a free rewording tool to improve your blogging endeavors and find success in writing.

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