
PPT full form | What it is all about and much more

PPT full form

PPT full form or the abbreviation of PPT is PowerPoint presentation. It is the file extension for the office software acquired by Microsoft. Earlier it was created by Forethought Inc and it worked on Mac computers only.

PowerPoint was included in the Microsoft Office bundle for windows in 1990. It is integrated with all the other software in the Microsoft Office Suite They share lots of user interfaces and common components.

What is the full form of PPT?

Today PowerPoint is the biggest presentation software worldwide. It was mainly developed to be used by businesses for presentation. But it is nowadays used in many situations. There are lots of features, it is not just a slideshow application.

Wide range of media such as diagrams, animations, photos, and videos, etc. It can make any complex topic simple and easy to understand. Also makes the subject interesting for audiences.

It is available for all devices computers, tablets, and mobile apps(iOS and android). With more than a hundred languages available.

What is the use of PPT?

There are multiple ways to use PPT. From passion to profession, there is no limit to the use of PowerPoint presentations. However, these are the areas where it is used most commonly.

In education.

Most schools, universities, and colleges use PPT as an important tool for educating people. Teachers and educators can highlight the most important part of a subject by listing them on Bullet points on slides. This way students can grasp the topic more easily. In most cases, teachers give students a task to create a PPT, on a certain topic and present it to the school.

In corporation:

It is very useful when it comes to business and Enterprises. Any crucial information about the organization can be visually represented using the slides. This data helps decision-makers of the company to take important decisions based on this presentation. Especially when it comes to charts graphs and tables. Every organization uses Microsoft PowerPoint up to some extent.

In government services

Government is also an Organisation which is of a vast scale. As we know all organizations need data to organize their behavior and action. Every department under the government has lots of records which they have to create a report. To implement any decisions for the public interest. For example, for showing demographics PPT can be used very efficiently. It can be used in important events such as seminars, meetings, summits, or any other public event.

In profession

There is a lot of job requirements for PowerPoint experts. A person can find a career with Microsoft PowerPoint. He or she can apply for jobs that are seeking PPT experts. As of now, PowerPoint is a must for any professional. Uniquely, along with their degree of expertise. Most companies and employers prefer candidates who are skilled in presentations.

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How to create a PPT?

1 Open the PowerPoint Software

Open the software you would like to use to create a PowerPoint presentation. It doesn't matter which devices you are using. The functions and features are almost the same. If you are using devices like mobile then the features might be a little Limited.

2 Choose a template Design

Choose a template design for your presentation. There are tons of pre-made templates for you to use. You can also create your own if you like to. You can even import any templates.

3 Add Titles, Headings, Subheadings, etc

You can start by adding titles to your slides. Depending on what type of presentation you would like to make. You can add several headings and subheadings accordingly. If your slides are more about images and video. And less about contextual data. Then you can skip the text.

4 Add multiple Slides

Add a few slides. Place different elements on the slides. At least create 4 to 5 slides. You can add the number of slides according to the duration of the presentation.

5 Insert media as Photos, videos, Gifs, Etc

It is time to insert media such as images, videos, charts, graphs, etc. Whatever you think can make the presentation more interesting. When you're adding media make sure to consider size, shape, etc. And do not overcrowd the slides.

6 Add Transitions effects

Adding transition effects is not that important, to be honest. Professionally transition effects are used Minimally. So it is optional.

7 Preview the Presentation

Now you can preview your work. By seeing it on full screen. Just check for the final time if everything is in place.

8 Save your PPT

The final step would be to save your work. And name your file. And now you can export your file. Finally, just remember to use PPT as the extension of the file.

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Application to use PPT(Windows, Mac, Web, Android, iOS)

There are Lots of applications that can be used for creating presentations. Similarly, all the devices nowadays have inbuilt applications for using PPT. But these are the most commonly used applications for any device.

  1. Microsoft Office
  2. Microsoft PowerPoint 365
  3. OpenOffice Impress
  4. Kingsoft Presentation
  5. Google Slides

Extensions supported in PPT

.pps (PowerPoint Slide Show)
.pptm (Macro-enabled presentation files)
.pdf (portable document format)
.ppsm (Open XML Macro-enabled Slide Show)
.tif (Tag Image File)
.pptx (PowerPoint Open XML Presentation file.)
.rtf (Outline/RTF)
.pptx (PowerPoint Picture Presentation)
.pot (PowerPoint 97-2003 Design Template)
.mp4 (MPEG-4 Video)
.potm (PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template)
.wmv (Windows Media Video)
.emf (Enhanced Windows Metafile)
.ppsx (PowerPoint Show)
.ppt (PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation)
.thmx (Office Theme)
.wmf (Windows Metafile)
.ppa (PowerPoint 97-2003 Add-In)
.odp (OpenDocument Presentation)
.gif (Graphics Interchange Format)
.potx (PowerPoint Design Templates)
.xps (XPS Document Format)
.ppam (PowerPoint Add-In)
.jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
.bmp (Device Independent Bitmap)
.png (Portable Network Graphics)
.xml (PowerPoint XML Presentation)

Final thoughts:

I hope now you understand the PPT full form or meaning of PPT and its uses. Microsoft PowerPoint presentation is one of the most important in the whole Office Suite. If you haven't used this application then I suggest you should start. It is very easy and simple to learn. And if you want to be proficient at creating presentations. Then you must create at least 100 presentations of different types.
