How to Manage Your Disk Space and Organize Files on Mac

We all know that maintaining a Mac's disc space keeps it running smoothly and free of clutter. As temporary system files, media, programs, and other data accumulate, your Mac may slow down. A few simple procedures will manage the disk space on your Mac.

This post explains manual methods as well as use of tools such as DelightDisk that simplify system cleanup on Mac. Whether you're working with outdated system files, inactive apps, or huge media files, these strategies can help you maximize Mac storage.

4 Manual Methods to Manage Disk Space on Mac

You may free up the disk space in Mac in numerous ways. Cleaning up system files, and eliminating unnecessary media, programs, and other files are examples.

Method 1: Clean Temporary Files and Cache

Step 1: Go to the Go menu in Finder and access the Go to Folder option. 

Step 2: Copy and paste the following command: ~/Library/Caches/ and click on the Go button.

Step 3: Select all the cache files in the caches folder.

Step 4: Press Command + A to select them and drag them to the trash. You can also hit the Delete key and then empty the recycle bin. 

It is also recommended to check the below folders and remove unnecessary items.




~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/

~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/

~/Library/Saved Application State/

~/Library/Application Support



Method 2: Clean up Unneeded Media Files

Movies and images can easily fill up your hard disc. You may use cloud services, move them to an external disc, or decrease the files to free up space on your Mac to track them. Here's how to deal with recovering lost disk space on Mac. 

Step 1: Go through your Photos library and remove any copies or pictures you don't want.

Step 2: Move important video files to iCloud or an external hard drive.

Step 3: Find the big video files with Finder and decide whether to shrink or eliminate them.